John Ernest Steinbeck

John Ernest Steinbeck
John Ernest Steinbeck

Our conceptions:
We made a couple of meetings to share information about The pearl and sometimes we conclude the same things, now let’s see our conceptions about the amazing story narrated by Jhon Steinbeck in a small vile where kino and his wife lives there without enough benefits as the others members of his community.
First meeting April 11 2012
Today with Patricia talked about some characteristics or topic that we saw in the first and second chapter of this book, indentifying some aspects as the evil and the importance of money in some situations we think necessary to create a little diary to take notes about the most important moments in the reading, so we consider that the most relevant event in the first chapter was when Coyotito was bite by the scorpion who represents the evil in this chapter, also the role of money as important tool to get primary services as medical attention.
Also was interesting for us to analyze different aspect that we think are based fundamental in the plot, so talking about the characters we agree in some cases that Kino represents a paternal image and his wife is an spiritual woman, those facts make Coyotito an important person for them, when the baby is bitten by the scorpion the chapter changes totally.
Second meeting May 02 2012
After finish read the book we decide to make a last meeting to share some aspects and also to discuss our conceptions and make a little debate to know what kind of topic we are going to use in our blog, some of the things that we wrote are perceptions or things that we think relevant, as a result we decide to implement some tools as journal vocabulary, literary figures as characters conflicts and some themes that was interesting and important at the moment of read the book, for us was interesting the context that Steinbeck show us in his readings because allow us to recreate all the atmosphere and in this way the reading activity is like a game or a pleasure.
In general terms we are so glad to have the opportunity to read this book and give us different messages in several ways, take into account that money is only a factor which in some occasion can fix things but sometimes  this resource can be used in bad way giving us consequences sometimes dangerous for us and for our family.